Case of December 2016


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Clinical History:


A 72-year-old lady complains of headache and blurring of vision for 3 months. There was no focal neurological sign elicited by clinician. MRI brain was performed to investing for the symptoms.

Proton-Density weighted axial

Proton-Density weighted axial

T2 weighted axial

T2 weighted axial

T1 weighted axial

T1 weighted axial

T1 weighted axial, post-gadolinium

 T1 weighted axial, post-gadolinium

T1 weighted sagittal, post-gadolinium

T1 weighted sagittal, post-gadolinium

T1 weighted coronal, post-gadolinium

T1 weighted coronal, post-gadolinium

DWI axial

DWI axial