Admission of Fellows Ceremony, The Royal College of Radiologists.


Thirteen candidates (9 in Clinical Radiology and 4 in Clinical Oncology) were successful in the Joint Final Examination for the Fellowship held in October 2000.  The Admission of Fellows Ceremony of the Royal College of Radiologists was held on 18 October 2000 at the Pao Yue Kong Auditorium, G/F of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building.  Representatives from the Royal College of Radiologists included Dr J A Fielding, Dr A M Davis, Dr H H Lucraft and Dr R Stout.  Dr C H Leong, the President of Hong Kong Academy was invited as our honoured guest for the Ceremony.  The ceremony was concluded at 7:30pm followed by Dinner.

Dr CH Leong and the examiners from the Royal College of Radiologists.
From left to right: Dr Lucraft, Dr Davis, Dr Fielding, Dr Stout and Dr Leong.

The successful candidates and the examiners from the Royal College of Radiologists, the President of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and our President