
Call for Application of Enrolment of Interventional Radiology Fellows-in-training (IR Fellows)


Date: 15 July 2024

Call for Application of Enrolment of

Interventional Radiology Fellows-in-training (IR Fellows)

I take great pleasure to inform you that the Subspecialty Training Programme in Interventional Radiology (IR) is scheduled to commence on 1st October 2024.

The College would like to call for applications from Fellows or Specialists in Radiology who are interested in being enrolled as Fellow-in-training (IR Fellow) in the IR Subspecialty Training Programme. 

A radiologist is eligible to enter the training programme as an IR Fellow when below criteria are fulfilled:

a. Fellowship of HKCR, or qualifications other than FHKCR but approved by IR subspecialty board.

b. Prior training or exposure in IR, i.e., at least 3 months of training period of Vascular & Interventional Radiology under Higher Specialist Training (Radiology), or equivalent.

Application form with the important notes to Applicants for IR Fellow can be downloaded here.


For those who are interested please submit the completed and signed application form by email to: enquiries@hkcr.org on or before 16th August 2024 at 11:59pm. Late submission would not be considered.


An online Q&A forum on the IR subspecialty training programme and the process of application of IR Fellows will be arranged on Thursday, 18th July 2024 at 6:00pm. Please register and join the meeting using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gD3lhMAdQGmFnhKjPnlx0g


Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at enquiries@hkcr.org.


Thank you for your kind attention.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Kevin Fung

Honorary Secretary

Subspecialty Board in Interventional Radiology

Hong Kong College of Radiologists

Document(s) Download:

1. Application Form for Interventional Radiology Fellow-in-training (IR Fellow) of Interventional Radiology Subspecialty Training Programme (Version in July 2024)