4.4.1 Remediable non-compliance For a 3-year cycle, Fellows must have achieved (a) at least 2/3 of the required number of points within a cycle or (b) be certified to have suffered from a medical condition that the Council of HKCR considers as a reasonable cause for non-compliance. These Fellows must engage in a remedial programme to make up for the deficiency. The reasons for non-compliance and the remedial CME/CPD programme must be endorsed by the Education Committee of HKCR and the Education Committee and Council of HKAM. The remedial programme must be finished within the time specified by the College. In any case, the remedial programme must be finished within 12 months from the completion of the previous CME/CPD cycle. The next CME/CPD cycle of these Fellows shall follow immediately after the previous cycle without any break. In other words, these Fellows will have to undergo normal and remedial CME/CPD at the same time. For remediable non-compliance, the Academy will inform the Medical Council of Hong Kong as soon as possible after the end of cycle.
4.4.2 Not remediable non-compliance HKAM will inform the Medical Council of Hong Kong of those Fellows who have not fulfilled CME/CPD requirements. Upon reviewing each case, a recommendation for termination of the Fellowship of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine may be made. Reinstatement of Academy Fellowship shall be (a) at the discretion of the Academy Council, and (b) upon payment of prevailing fees as determined by the Academy, and (c) subjected to any other requirements of the Academy.
4.4.3 Exemption: Fellows belonging to the following are exempted from CME/CPD. Fellows having formally submitted written declaration to the College that he/she has retired from active clinical practice in and outside Hong Kong; OR Fellows suffering from acute/prolonged illness/disability, and not in active practice; OR Fellows who have ceased to obtain a practicing certificate from the Medical Council of Hong Kong. Partial exemption will be considered and approved by the Education Committee of the Academy on a case by case pro-rata basis depending on the extent of the illness and its impact on practice.
4.5.1 Formal College Approved Activities (FCAA) organised under the auspices of, or recognised by, the Hong Kong College of Radiologists, viz. Annual Scientific Meeting, Seminars, Scientific Lectures and other recognised activities.
One hour of lecture/seminar counts as one Category A CME/CPD point with no more than 75 points can be awarded for passive participation in a cycle. (Maximum points for individual function may apply)
1 Category A (Active) CME/CPD point per hour of accredited activities up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle for the chairperson(s) of the meeting. (Refer to Appendix B)
NO additional points for passive participation could be scored if those have already scored point from chairing the meeting.
4.5.2 FCAA recognised for CME/CPD purposes by the international or national organisations of Radiology / Clinical Oncology / Nuclear Medicine
Points accredited by overseas organisations are accredited as Category A CME/CPD points to such activities with no more than 75 points can be awarded for passive participation in a cycle. (Maximum points for individual function may apply)
1 Category A (Active) CME/CPD point per hour of accredited activities up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle for the chairperson(s) of the meeting. (Refer to Appendix B)
NO additional points for passive participation could be scored if those have already scored point from chairing the meeting.
4.5.3 Other overseas Radiology / Clinical Oncology / Nuclear Medicine meeting which is NOT on the pre-approved list of recognised activities.
Category A CME/CPD CME/CPD points will only be awarded on an individual basis upon proper formal application with no more than 75 points can be awarded for passive participation in a cycle.
4.5.4 Educational activities organised by Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, other Colleges of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, or professional organisations of Hong Kong or overseas
Category A or Category B CME/CPD points will be accredited as determined by the CME/CPD Subcommittee. No more than 75 points can be awarded for passive participation in a cycle.
4.5.5 Clinico-radiological conferences,Case Management Meetings, Grand Rounds
Multidisciplinary patient management related activities with a) regular schedule, b) involving two or more Specialties and c) three or more Specialists, can be submitted to CME/CPD Subcommittee for prior approval
1 Category A (Passive) CME/CPD point per hour of accredited activities up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle for passive participation.
1 Category A (Active) CME/CPD point per hour of accredited activities up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle, provided that only ONE chairperson from each specialty of Radiology, Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine could be awarded for each meeting. (Refer to Appendix B)
NO additional points for passive participation could be scored if those have already scored point from chairing the meeting.
4.5.6 Lecturer or Tutor in Radiology, Clinical Oncology, Nuclear Medicine and related topics in CME/CPD courses organised by the academic Colleges and other professional bodies.
5 Category A (Active) CME/CPD points per lecture/tutorial up to a maximum of 60 points per cycle, of which not more than 20 points can be counted for delivering lectures for non-specialist CME/CPD courses. (Certain conditions apply and please refer to Appendix B).
4.5.7 Publications and Presentations
Only publications/presentations related to Radiology / Clinical Oncology / Nuclear Medicine, including those on Quality Assurance and Clinical Audit shall count for Category A (Active) CME/CPD points.
A publication shall accrue points at the time the material is published.
A presentation shall accrue points at the time the presentation is delivered. Publications :
Papers in Index Medicus listed journals |
10 points |
Papers in the official journals of HKAM and HKCR |
10 points |
Case of the Month in the Academy/College Website |
3 points |
CME/CPD Questions setting for Academy/College/Index Medicus listed Journal |
3 points |
No other publication will be awarded any CME/CPD points unless prior application has been submitted to the CME/CPD Subcommittee not later than one month after the end of cycle year. An assessment fee may be charged payable to the College subject to the decision of the CME/CPD Subcommittee. 5 Category A points will be accredited for each paper in non-Index Medicus listed journals. Presentations at recognised conferences/meetings:
Invited speaker/tutor for hands-on workshop, each presentation/workshop |
5 points |
Proffered paper accepted and presented, each paper |
5 points |
Proffered poster, each poster |
3 points |
Film Quiz accepted and presented/published, each quiz |
3 points | For publications and presentations, the first 3 authors get the full points while the other authors will get half the points.
Category A (Active) CME/CPD points accredited to publications and presentations up to a maximum of 60 points per cycle. (Certain conditions apply and please refer to Appendix B)
NO additional points for passive participation could be scored if those have already scored point from presentations at the recognized conferences/meetings.
4.5.8 Research Protocols
Submission of a research protocol that has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee or Institute Review Board of the hospital / institution at which the study will be conducted.
For research protocols, the principal investigator(s) get the full points while the co investigators will get half the points.
3 Category A (Active) CME/CPD points per submission up to a maximum of 60 points per cycle. (Certain conditions apply and please refer to Appendix B)
4.5.9 Postgraduate Qualification
Completion of postgraduate degree directly related to Radiology, Clinical Oncology or Nuclear Medicine.
10 Category A (Active) CME/CPD points per qualification up to a maximum of 45 points per cycle. (Certain conditions apply and please refer to Appendix B)
4.5.10 Self Study
1 CME/CPD point per article or video will be awarded upon submission of: (i) an original summary of no less than 100 words. This should contain the Fellow's own interpretation of the article/video and its relevance to one's clinical practice. A duplicate or extract from part of the article/video or its abstract is not considered an original summary for this purpose. Or (ii) reply to multiple choice questions related to the contents of the article. Completion of MCQ with >50% of the questions being correct or other assessment programme from printed journals or electronic sources.
For the articles in Index Medicus listed journals and the journals published by HKCR or web based CME/CPD programmes at pre-approved list of recognised overseas activities, Fellows have to keep their own record of CME/CPD activities with the log sheet provided and submit with documentation to the CME/CPD Subcommittee yearly for record.
For other self study, viz. articles in non-Index Medicus listed journals, videos / multimedia teaching material, a monograph or chapter of a book, web based CME/CPD programmes which are NOT on the pre-approved list of recognised activities, prior application for approval have to be obtained from the HKCR at least two months before the start of the self study, and the assessment period will take at least one month. CME/CPD points shall be accrued at the time the result is confirmed. An assessment fee per article will be required for each submission. And the submission of self study materials will be assessed upon payment of such fee payable to the College.
Those that have already scored points from passive participation could not score additional points by completion of the quiz associated with the presentation.
(Active) CME/CPD points accredited to self study up to a maximum of 45 points per cycle, of which not more than 15 Category B CME/CPD points can be counted. (Certain conditions apply and please refer to Appendix B)
4.5.11 Editing or refereeing a paper in a recognized peer-reviewed journal or assessing grant applications
For the edited/refereed papers in Index Medicus listed journals and the journals published by HKCR, Fellows have to keep their own record of CME/CPD activities with the log sheet provided and submit with documentation to the CME/CPD Subcommittee yearly for record.
No other edited/refereed papers will be awarded any CME/CPD points unless prior application has been submitted to the CME/CPD Subcommittee not later than one month after the end of cycle year. An assessment fee may be charged payable to the College subject to the decision of the CME/CPD Subcommittee.
For assessing grant applications, prior application for approval has to be obtained from the CME/CPD Subcommittee not later than one month after the end of cycle year.
3 Category A (Active) CME/CPD point per original article up to a maximum of 20 points per cycle. (Refer to Appendix B)
2 Category A (Active) CME/CPD point per case report / research project / grant application up to a maximum of 20 points per cycle. (Refer to Appendix B)
4.5.12 Local/Overseas Hands-on Clinical Attachment Programme
Local/Overseas hands-on clinical attachment programme to accredited training units of the appropriate specialty is accepted as a form of CME/CPD to enhance / refresh the knowledge and skills of a Fellow in a specified area, or to enable the Fellow to learn new knowledge skills. Clear learning objectives have to be defined in such attachment programmes, and the programme usually should be over a continuous period lasting one week or longer. Regular weekly attachment over a longer period can also be considered. The normal rotation of duties, or posting changes are not regarded as attachment.
3 (Active) CME/CPD points per day up to a maximum of 45 points per cycle. (Maximum points for individual programme may apply) (Certain conditions apply and please refer to Appendix B)
4.5.13 Conducting Examinations
10 Category A (Active) CME/CPD points per examination up to a maximum of 20 points per cycle for the examiner(s) in College / specialist examinations. (Refer to Appendix B)
5 Category A (Active) CME/CPD points per submission up to a maximum of 20 points per cycle for setting the examinations questions or submitting examination case images. (Refer to Appendix B)
4.5.14 Development of New Technologies or Services
Submission of a project action plan for development of new technologies or services at which the project will be conducted. The CME/CPD Subcommittee reserves the right to request a progress report for the project.
For development of new technologies or services, the first 3 investigator(s) get the full points while the other investigators will get half the points
5 (Active) CME/CPD points per activity up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle. (Refer to Appendix B)
4.5.15 Practice Assessment and Quality Assurance Activities
College approved quality assurance and audit activities, such as clinical/surgical review and audit, clinical governance, peer review of operative practice, activities that examine and evaluate the clinical care of patients.
For clinical audit or peer review activities that involve systematic assessment and evaluation of patient care (with a clearly defined topic, involves data collection and analysis, making recommendations for changes and a presentation of the findings), 3 (Active) CME/CPD points per activity up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle. (Refer to Appendix B)
For presentations including case conference and morbidity and mortality meeting where an interesting or sentinel case is presented, 1 (Active) CME/CPD point per activity for the presenter/facilitator of the meeting up to a maximum of 15 points per cycle. Other participants would have 1 (Passive) CME/CPD point per activity up to a maximum of 10 points per cycle. At least 3 Specialists have to be present. One or more departments can be involved. (Refer to Appendix B)
4.5.16 Postgraduate Teaching
1 Category A (Active) CME/CPD points per hour of lecture up to a maximum of 10 points per cycle for the trainer(s) in the structured training courses in Radiology / Clinical Oncology / Nuclear Medicine organized by Hong Kong College of Radiologists for radiology trainees. (Refer to Appendix B)
4.5.17Other College Activities
(a) Preparation of materials for self-study CME/CPD activities
CME/CPD points as determined by the CME/CPD Subcommittee
(b) Any other activities specifically approved by the College for CME/CPD purpose.
CME/CPD points as determined by the CME/CPD Subcommittee