Case of December 2007


Clinical History:

A term newborn boy was delivered by Caesarean Section at 38th week of gestation. The baby's mother was 16 years old and lived in China but antenatal care was performed in HK and was uneventful. No history of maternal drug abuse or maternal fever. The baby was found to be flaccid and apneic at delivery and required active resuscitation and he was intubated. The Agar Score was 1,4,6. On arrival to nursery at about 30 min, gasping effort was noted but there was no regular breathing effort and muscle tone increased. H'stix was 10.9. First venous blood gas showed pH of 7.3. CT scan and MRI scan were performed on Day 2 and 1 month later respectively.

Dec 07 - Pic 1

Dec 07 - Pic 2


Dec 07 - Pic 3


Dec 07 - Pic 4


Dec 07 - Pic 5


Dec 07 - Pic 6


Dec 07 - Pic 7
